Looking forward is a key theme of the events on 20 September to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Tavistock Institute.
The anniversary event itself will conclude with a lecture on the changing challenges facing society by Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the RSA and former strategy adviser to Tony Blair.
The lecture will provide the context for a debate about how the Institute and the wider Tavistock Community of Practice can help groups and organisations to respond to those challenges.
In the run up to the anniversary a programme of thinking and writing has been underway to refresh the Institute’s intellectual traditions to ensure that they are relevant to the needs of client in today and in the future. The results of that work will be presented in an interactive event on the afternoon of the 60th anniversary event.
The Institute itself is also preparing for the future. Its new website and brand are being launched on 20 September.
A key characteristic of our style our commitment to working with clients, rather than “taking a problem away” and “solving it for them”. This approach is embedded in the design for the anniversary event which includes:
- A mini Group Relations event which draws on the thinking on which our annual “Leicester Conference” is based;
- A futures workshop which will explore the challenges facing society over the next ten years;
- A research and evaluation workshop.
The programme for the day also includes two plenary sessions on:
- Organisational consultancy: from Theory to Practice and from Practice to Theory;
- Challenges for Research and Evaluation in the 21st century.
To book last minute places at the event please contact Nikki Benoit on 0207 417 0407.
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